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What makes BtoB Connect stand apart from other networking groups?

How do I increase the number of referrals I receive at chapter meetings?

What should I mention in my three to five minute presentation?

Do members get bored hearing my same story every meeting?

Why monthly membership dues?

Couldn't we meet on our own? Why do we need BtoB Connect?

What makes BtoB Connect stand apart from other networking groups?

  • Chapters are restricted to business (C-level decision makers) and sales professionals who call ONLY on other companies, not individuals.
  • Members receive three to five minutes to present during each meeting as opposed to 30 seconds.
  • The BtoB Connect System is focused on personal introductions and referrals working to generate true, qualified leads.
  • Meetings are held every other week rather than every week.
  • Members are encouraged to join other networking groups (no exclusivity restriction).
  • Monthly membership is less than the cost of a business lunch.
  • No mandatory attendance or lead dispersal.
  • BtoB Connect is a member of the Better Business Bureau.
  • Top 10 Reasons Why BtoB Connect is Not Your Average Networking Group

How do I increase the number of referrals I receive at chapter meetings?

  • Attend meetings! Relationships take time to develop. If you cannot attend a meeting, send one of your company representatives in your place.
  • Be generous with referrals. Give referrals and you shall receive. Make personal introductions when possible. The BtoB Connect System is focused on personal introductions and referrals working to generate true, qualified leads.
  • Be specific in your three to five minute presentation. For example, instead of saying, "I'm looking for companies with high telephone bills," say, "A good referral for me is to call centers or telemarketing firms."
  • Create and distribute your Business Profile Sheet. Instead of distributing expensive marketing collateral, complete and use the one-page profile format.

What should I mention in my five minute presentation?

You are free to use any format for your presentation. Some members give general descriptions (although it's better to be specific); some perform a question and answer session about their business and industry, and others share success stories or describe the problems they've solved for clients.

Do members get bored hearing my same story every meeting?

Yes! Mix it up! Think of creative ways to describe your business or share something exciting that happened since the last meeting. And make sure to tell the group how they can help.

Why monthly membership dues?

The money generated from dues supports the BtoB Connect infrastructure (like this Web site) and value-added services for your business. And, in our experience, we've found that generally people take action if they have skin in the game. The BtoB Connect "product" is our proven referral system and it's the easiest, most cost efficient way to promote and grow your business!

Couldn't we meet on our own? Why do we need BtoB Connect?

You can absolutely meet on your own. But would you? Have you yet? Without a structured environment, most of us don't get around to networking by referral.


B to B Connect, LLC. is a BBB Accredited Professional Organization in Streetsboro, OH

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