Upcoming Events:
Great News!
Despite the corona virus
BtoB Meetings are going strong and growing fast
All our meetings already have videoconferencing thanks to our founding member JW Hornyak Videoconferencing & Telecom. This means meetings are right on schedule with absolutely no disruption. In fact, we’ve experienced more member participation with better presentations through the screen sharing feature. Also, just about every meeting has new prospective member guests!
We also announced a digital business card with a mobile referral app for members only. This is great way to send a referral quickly right through your mobile device. As you already know, the best referrals happen in between meetings not at the meeting.
Remember, we grow BtoB Connect only through personal referrals. If you know a quality BtoB business certainly invite them to your next meeting – It just keeps getting better!
Don't miss referrals because you can't get there in person!
Join by PC, MAC, iPhone, Android or tablet!
BtoB Connect is a proven B2B-only networking system designed to generate more qualified referrals for your company by properly positioning you in front of prospects with pre-established credibility and influence. Our refreshingly effective personal introduction process is rooted in relationship building and generating referrals-the most effective way to close a sale. In fact, studies show that you have up to a 85 percent chance of closing a sale through a personal introduction as opposed to 5 percent with cold-marketing. You'll enjoy the BtoB Connect differences:
• No mandatory referrals
• Every member presents at every meeting -- 5 minutes or more
• Defined and proven qualified referral system
• No exclusivity (joining other groups is encouraged)
• Meetings every OTHER week
• Strictly business members calling on other businesses (not indivduals)
Our organization was created out of frustration with other networking groups. The founders were tired of wasting time attending networking meetings that were better suited for B2C businesses such as residential real estate or landscaping, vitamin sales or other personal care products. BtoB Connect's membership is B2B-only and filled with like-minded professionals who want to help your business grow and have a network of contacts synergistic to yours.